The Seattle chapter of the ITA College Tennis Alumni Network held its second event at SPIN Seattle, a ping pong social club, on Saturday, October 19th. The group reserved a few tables and played some casual singles and doubles matches. Some attendees even challenged and held their own against SPIN’s ping pong pros! In total, 15 alumni attended, representing 9 different schools.

“I had a great time attending the Seattle CTAN event. It was awesome to meet with fellow tennis alums off of the tennis court (and on the ping pong table). It created a casual environment and I enjoyed making new connections while also seeing old friends!”
Rajul Chikkalingaiah, Whitman (2020) alum
As for future events, Seattle chapter coordinator Nishaant Limaye writes, “We think it would be fun to host an event at a UW tennis match during their spring season. Stay tuned for more details!”
If you are located in the Seattle, WA area and are interested in joining the chapter and participating in more fun events like this, please contact Nishaant Limaye ( or Jamie Fisher (